2024 09-03-2024

Osprey Up High
Osprey Up High
Pair of Bald Eagles
Pair of Bald Eagles
Bright White
Bright White
Teeth Remain
Teeth Remain
Web Silk in the Light
Web Silk in the Light
Lit and Shining
Lit and Shining
Silvery Ways
Silvery Ways
The Claw Remains
The Claw Remains
Dry and Empty
Dry and Empty
Horseshoe Crab Remnants
Horseshoe Crab Remnants
Most Legs Gone
Most Legs Gone
Little Claws
Little Claws
Armored Hull
Armored Hull
Hoof Shaped
Hoof Shaped
Textured Remains on the Mud
Textured Remains on the Mud
Little Horseshoe Crab in the Bubbles
Little Horseshoe Crab in the Bubbles
Flipped But not Out
Flipped But not Out
Right Sided
Right Sided